So, it's been a long time since I've written! It seems like forever since we were in Utah and there's been a lot of water under the bridge since.... our son was in an accident (he's okay now), school started, and we made the decision for me to home school our daughter (more on that later..). Utah left a big impression on me, and provided the space and inspiration that I'd hoped to have with extended time away. Especially the hiking! Walking those sandy trails with castles of rock rising all around helped clear away lots of cobwebs in the way that beach walking does for many. Since I've been letting my memories simmer for so long, I think I'll leave out the details of our trip for now and catch up with my current life.My camera broke on the first day of our trip (I fell on it when my scooter skidded out in deep sand), and when I returned it was hard to get excited about blogging without a decent camera! After a lot of research, I decided to buy a used duplicate of the Sony DSC H50 on eBay (for less than a minimum repair bill), and it is working out great.The first hat I made upon our return- definitely Utah-inspired colors!
I found some time for fiber arts, but not enough yet since the Midway Festival and other good selling opportunities are fast approaching! I'm enjoying making jewelry using alpaca fiber beads, and it's nice to have another alpaca product that's not dependent on cool weather! Speaking of.... it's supposed to be a cool and beautiful Labor Day weekend, hope you have a nice one.
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