I have many happy memories of egg tosses and wonderful food from all of the reunions I have attended over the years, and am just now understanding how fortunate I have been to have "cousins by the dozens" who have mostly stayed close, very rare in these times of transience. Although four of my Dad's siblings have passed away, I am still thrilled to see Uncle Herb, Uncle Dave, and all five of my Dad's sisters- Aunt Gertrude (Trudy), Aunt Dot, Aunts Ruth and Esther (twins), and Aunt Annie (I tell them all they're my favorite, just as they tell me I'm theirs!). All attended this reunion. Aunt Trudy is almost 98 and just renewed her driver's license, still living independently (and thinking so, as her daughter tells me! They are all German, after all). She made her traditional chicken and dumplings- we always have wonderful, home-cooked dishes every time! I can tell great stories about each one of my aunts and uncles (and countless tales about my Dad), but will save them for another time.
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Although we have the common thread of our genealogy, our family is as diverse as any... with many adopted children and the range of variation as in most families... all types of careers, disabilities, homosexuality, some financially successful and not, and with a range of health challenges. The thread that keeps so many attending the reunion year after year is undoubtedly just what my grandparents, Gustav and Anna Millat intended..... love.