Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Naked Girls Gone Wild

We got a phone call around dinnertime the other night that there were naked girls running around everywhere up the road... naked (freshly-shorn) alpaca girls, that is! Someone left a gate open, and there were about 45 loose alpacas running to and fro having the time of their lives. On Monday night we finished the shearing of 112 alpacas at 9:30 PM, phew! (I'm trying to update the farm site with more details). The animals always seem to feel great after losing 4-10 pounds of fleece, and they took full advantage of their freedom. Normally, they stay fairly close as a herd but this time they split into about 4 groups- one stayed and flirted with the boys, one went gallavanting across an open, unfenced field, and another walked down to check out the other barn. Our farm is very open and stretched out, so we were just grateful that someone noticed before they wandered up the road!
hat do we do when such a thing happens? Fortunately, there were three of us to herd them up. It usually just takes a few good shakes of the feed bucket and calls from the barn and they come running, so we had them all back in place in less than 10 minutes. We all need a little bit of excitement from time to time, right?
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1 comment:

Jenny said...

I was the bad girl who left the gate open!!!! So sorry!! They did look like they had the time of their lives streaking across the property!