Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This break has been so good for us- I have never seen Robert and Mirian get along so well, and they have been really fun the entire time! Both of them are such characters with great imagination, and its nice to take more time to really listen to their stories and watch their antics. It has truly made me realize that THEY need a vacation or change of scenery as much as we do sometimes, as each has their own type of stress to deal with at school.

Above, they're working on Robert's "escape hole" that he dug while we were at Naples Beach. If I'm ever stuck in the desert and need a way to get out of the sun, I sure hope that I have Robert around!We had a wonderful afternoon and evening with my great friend Donna and her family. Here we are at Naples pier, and I'm throwing in a photo of us taken several years ago at Cannon's Beach in Oregon. We have truly had some travels and adventures from coast to coast, and we were together on my first trip to Peru as well. We always have the best laughs and conversations, and of course enjoy many of the same wines!
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